FIFA Weekend League: Road to Elite part 2

FIFA Weekend League: Road to Elite part 2

Hey guys, my name is Berhaninho, I’m a 25-year old division 1 and Elite player who has been playing online FIFA since 2011. I started studying criminology this year which leaves me with a decent amount of spare time so I figured, why not give back to the community.
This will be the second part of the series.
Playing with the right CT can make a world of difference for your game, so let’s get too it.
A lot of people don’t know what the different sliders mean in the CT menu so let’s have a look at them first:

Build up play

This one is pretty self-explanatory, it dictates the speed of your players in terms of moving forward. The higher the number on this slider the faster your players will move, the higher the overall pace of your game
I recommend keeping this somewhere between 50 and 90, depending on your playstyle.

This slider influences the support from teammates in terms of passing. If you keep it on a low number, teammates will more often come to the ball for a pass, if you keep it on a high number they will make more runs. Keeping it around the 50 mark will result in a balanced passing-game.

This determines how your players move in terms of their positions. Free form will result in your players straying away from their positions, organised will keep them in position. I highly recommend keeping this on organised as you mostly want your defence and midfield to stay in formation.

Chance creation

This one is tricky, the lower the number the lower the risk involved in your passing. The higher the number the higher the risk but it will more often result in a opening if succesful.
I recommend keeping this somwhere between 50 and 70 as it will result in a nice balance.

I’d recommend leaving this on a average number since it determines the amount of crosses that should be played which will result in your players moving different.
Keep this somewhere between 40 and 60.

The shooting slider makes your players move more in terms of shottaking. They will take positions which will result in good shooting-positions for you. Distance shots can be very lethal this FIFA so I recommend never leaving it on a low number.
Somewhere around the 60 mark works best.

Same as in the Build up play section, only this one is for when in the final third. It’s focussed purely on attacking purposes so I recommend to always keep this in Free Form Your players will make unpredictable runs and open you up for a chance more often.


Also a very important slider, it determines when your team will start pressing the opponent. If you keep it on a low number they will only start pressing the ball high up your end of the pitch, if you keep it on a high number pressure will be doubled but it will open your players up more.
I highly recommend keeping it somewhere around the 50 mark so you don’t open yourself too much whilst still applying enough pressure.

Influences the agression your players will apply when defending. If you leave it on a low number your players will mostly just contain the opponent, putting it on a high number will result in your players more agressively hunting the ball. This slider is best kept around the 50 mark.

Team width
Team width influences the how your players will position themselves towards the ball. A low number will result in a very narrow team (IE your leftback will move to the middle when the ball is on the right side).
Keep this somewhere between 30 and 60.

Defender line
You have 2 options here, offside trap or cover. Always go with cover as it will result in your defenders covering and not playing on the offside trap which is very risky. If you really want to play around with the offside trap a little bit you can do it manually via the D-pad but I wouldn’t recommend it.

Let’s have a look at the CT some top 100 players use




As you can see there’s a lot of room to play around with every slider.
The best advice I can give you guys is to not just copy someones custom tactics because they are doing well with it.
Try things out in divisions or single match and see what works best for you (IE 90 speed or 60 speed can make a world of difference but one isn’t necessarily  better than the other)

That’s it for now guys, you can follow me on Twitter if you want to stay up to date on the series or tell me what you want to see covered next!

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